C Pointer

C pointer is powerful that can point to anywhere with good definition. Here are collections of interesting way to use pointer.

definition meaning link
type *i; simple pointer here
type *i[n]; array of n pointer here
type (*p)[n]; a pointer to an array of n here
type (*p)(); a pointer to function that return type here
type (*p[n])(); a pointer to an array of n functions that return type here

type *i

int j;
int *i;
i = &j;
*i = 10;
// j == 10

type *i[n]

int j;
int *i[10];
i[0] = &j;
*i[0] = 10;
// j == 10

type (*p)[n]

int i[10];
int (*p)[10];
p = &i;
*p[0] = 10;
*((*p)+1) = 11;
// i = {10,11,?,...,?}

type (*p)()

int test() {
	printf("%s\n", "test");
	return 1;
int main() {
	int (*x)();
	x = &test;
	int z = x();
	printf("%d\n", z);

type (*x[n])()

int test() {
	printf("%s\n", "test");
	return 1;
int main() {
	int (*x[10])();
	x[0] = &test;
	int z = x[0]();
	printf("%d\n", z);