SSH refuse on bad ownership or modes

After I updated the gitlab to 11.6.1-ee, ssh to git user failed.

I went on gitlab and did not found any useful information. Then I start checking my sshd services.

Jan  6 06:48:26 UltGeek-GitLabServer sshd[115940]: error: Unsafe AuthorizedKeysCommand "/opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell/bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-keys-check": bad ownership or modes for directory /opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell/bin
Jan  6 06:50:15 UltGeek-GitLabServer sshd[116182]: error: Unsafe AuthorizedKeysCommand "/opt/gitlab/embedded/service/gitlab-shell/bin/gitlab-shell-authorized-keys-check": bad ownership or modes for directory /opt

From the man page

Specifies a program to be used to look up the user's public keys.  The program must be owned by root, not writable by group or others and specified by an absolute path.  Arguments to AuthorizedKeysCommand accept the tokens described in the TOKENS section. If no arguments are specified then the username of the target user is used.
The program should produce on standard output zero or more lines of authorized_keys output (see AUTHORIZED_KEYS in sshd(8)). If a key supplied by AuthorizedKeysCommand does not successfully authenticate and authorize the user then public key authentication continues using the usual AuthorizedKeysFile files.  By default, no AuthorizedKeysCommand is run.

It turns out to be the wrong onwership or modes for the directory after I updated it. Then I update all the relative directory including /opt because ssh panic when any of the directory is writable for other group or user with chmod 0755 dir.

Finally, it is back to working agagin. I do not sure if this makes any sense but it indeed get a better security.